Key Takeaways: He iz SMART. He iz KIND. He iz IMPORTANT… and mole enchiladas from Taqueria El Zarape heal trauma.

Name: Nebuchadnezzar II; he chose that name after some trial and error.
Length of date: 2 hours
How the date was obtained: Hinge
Where: Taqueria El Zarape
Nebuchadnezzar II (Neb for short) is a really smart and funny dude with some well moisturized long blonde hair. He’s intelligent and energetic and I didn’t know what to say half the time so I just found myself saying, "That's cool" WAY TOO MUCH. I think he found my silences uncomfortable and scrambled to make up for them. Little did he know, I sunk into those silences like a memory foam mattress only to emerge when I asked about writing: "So, what's your favorite thing you wrote?" He told me about a TV show he sold for thousands. I told him about a movie I wrote in which a woman shoots a cow who turns into a black man on a NY subway. Nebby and I had a lot in common: floundering in our alma mater's (UC Berkeley) rigorous academics, doing stand-up comedy around L.A., reading books late into the night, and enjoying enema cleansing Mexican food. He's building his own company and taught himself to code during quarantine. During quarantine I paid hundreds in legal fees to own a now defunct LLC that never did any business and I taught myself how to cry on cue. We're successful. Right? Right?? King Neb is sober because of health reasons. I'm NOT sober because of health reasons. In any case, I'd see him again. He seems like he would pull a Josh Groban and raise me up. But I feel like I'm more of a Flo-Rida and bring us down down down. I guess we'll have to face the music on a second date. Nebuchadnezzar II, would you build me a temple of mole enchiladas with beans and rice and guac, please? I'll bring the apple bottom jeans and awkward silence.
Overall Experience:
The future for us… Yes. I would see him again.
Next Week: No date lined up yet.