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February Dates #2

Taylor and Markell

Taylor's Date #2

Key Takeaways: Turns out I am not AS bad at golf as I thought!


Name: Kurt

Length of date: 3 hours

How the date was obtained: Hinge, Date Number 2!

Where: Top Golf

Kurt and I had such a good first date, and so there was no question that a second date would be happening. He asked if I would rather do another dinner or do an activity, and I obviously chose the latter. On the first date we briefly discussed golf, and I showed him a ridiculous video of me at Top Golf from a few summers ago, in which I aggressively swing twice (and miss both times), and finally hit on the third try. I would include the video, but 1) I am remaining anonymous and 2) I will save you from the second-hand embarrassment. So, when it came to choosing an activity, he suggested Top Golf, so I could show him my incredible golfing skills in person. He made plans to pick me up at my house at 7, and told me 10 minutes before arrival that I was in charge of the music on the drive, and that "he didn't make the rules.” People that know me KNOW that I am never in charge of aux, because I get super flustered choosing music. He picked me up and I scrolled through Spotify, and could not find a song for the life of me. After 3 minutes of scrolling, he stated that the song I pick better be INCREDIBLE considering how many songs I have scrolled through. Then I saw it- the perfect song.... “Life is a Highway “by Rascal Flatts. I personally think it was an amazing first song, I mean who doesn't love some Rascal?!? We arrived at Top Golf and had to wait for about 15 minutes for our space to open. We chatted about my incredible golf skills, and I opened up about all the other sports I am absolutely terrible at. This conversation also included the fact that I cannot run a single consecutive mile, nor can I do a pushup. Most people would probably refrain from sharing this information on a date, but what can I say, I am a very open book. Eventually, we got to our bay, ordered some drinks, and began golfing. We played for two hours, and had the best time. I felt very comfortable being my goofy self in front of him, and did not feel a single ounce of embarrassment over my lack of golf skills. We shared a lot of laughs, jabs at one another, and talked more about our friends and family. There was not a dull moment, and it was overall a really fun experience. In the last 10 minutes, our waitress saw that I was missing the majority of my swings, and so she came over to help me. Turns out with a few minor adjustments to my form, I actually could hit the ball pretty far! What a concept! I forced him to film a video of me to send my mom. She was really proud :') After two hours of golf and two rounds of drinks, we headed back to my place to drop me off. I gave him a tour of my house, and he met two of my three roommates, and the four of us chatted for about 10 minutes. He had an early morning class, and so I walked him out to his car and we parted with a kiss.

All of this being said, I don’t feel a “spark” with Kurt. I have no negative things to say about him whatsoever, but I just don’t feel a romantic connection with him, and I know that’s something that I can’t force.

Overall Experience:


The future for us… I am going to tell him how I feel. I hope he takes it well.

Next Week: I'm going out with a guy from Hinge! I'm excited.

Markell's Date #2

Key Takeaways: If you don't talk to your date the night before, you're probably not seeing them the next day.


Name: Star, the prospect of her burned bright, but reality burned quicker!

Length of date: There was none

How the date was obtained: Tinder

Where: Tributary. Golden, CO

Earlier this week, I watched a Tiktok of a girl saying that she lived in the worst city to find love. This city happens to be the one I recently moved closest to: Denver, Colorado. I’ve never been stood up on a date before though, and let me tell you, it kinda sucks. Granted, I didn’t talk to Star for super long, we’d only been texting for a week, but it seemed to be going well. We talked about our likes, dislikes, compared our U.S. travel miles, which for her was 38 states. We also spoke about acting, which is a passion of mine, and she told me that her claim to fame was being an extra in the film “Lincoln.” I was pretty impressed honestly. She seemed to be an energetic girl from Virginia who said she was looking for someone to invest in and vice versa. Star was also the best conversationalist I’d had the pleasure of speaking to on a dating app. Eventually, we exchanged numbers and were off to the races. She inquired about what brought me to Colorado, to which I responded, “a best friend’s incessant request, new people, and opportunity!” After a lot of texting back and forth, I was eager to meet Star in real life. I asked when she was available and we agreed on a time. She seemed eager to pick the date location and told me about a few of her favorite spots. I took some time looking at each one and she made a reservation. It seemed like everything was going great (famous last words). As far as texting goes, I usually respond first chance I get, but I also understand that everyone has their own life to live. Even so, if Star hadn’t texted me back in a bit, she’d usually respond later with an explanation, which I never required, but appreciated. But, the night before the date, I texted Star to make sure we were still on and… nothing. She ghosted me. I wasn’t upset, but more disappointed because Star seemed really cool. I was looking forward this date. I had another date planned the next day… but she cancelled as well - she wasn’t feeling it anymore. I appreciated her honesty so I couldn’t be mad. All that to say, I hope next week goes better.

Overall Experience:


The future for us… Nothing

Next Week: I have a date set for next Friday at a bar/arcade. Another one from the Tinder, seems like it will be fun! Time will tell!


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